Pretty Wet Suits

We just found an Olympic fashion cover and editorial photographed by Art Kane back in 1968. Kane, who was born in 1925 became one of the most innovative photographers of the twentieth century, and worked for publications such as Esquire magazine as an Art Director in his early 20s. 

The images below were shot in Dorset - and the clothes selected alongside Great Britain´s Olympic Yachting Team Manager following the Yachting Trials that year. A mix of sailing outfits and wet suits made from a variety of man made fabrics are captured by visionary Kane. We especially like the angled aesthetic and bold colours. Not one of Kane´s most prominent fashion shoots, but we prefer a rare find.

The Daily Telegraph Magazine. August, 1968.

The Daily Telegraph Magazine. August, 1968.

The Daily Telegraph Magazine. August, 1968.

The Daily Telegraph Magazine. August, 1968.


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